I have no clue on wat to write about. But I am sure that I want to write. There can be no title for this blog as I am not sure on how this post will turn out to be. But my blog has become my close frnd. A friend when my days are not normal. So, my day was not normal today? I dont know. I am neither happy. Nor sad.
Should I describe about how close my blog has been to me? There are many days when I just login to start a new post, scribble at the max and finally end up deleting the post without publishing. But when I delete it, there will be some change in me. That I was out of everything and I LIVE my life and not just exist.
Today is also one such day? At this point of time, I dunno if this is going to be published. But I still want to move on. My 1 week vacation and rest in chennai has created wonders in me. Nothing is affecting me and my mood these days.Its too early to decide on the impact of vacation as only 3 days are over after the vacation... But still, I feel some peace in me..
I am confident that I will not push anything deep into my heart. It often intends us to think much..There is no point in thinking deep about anything or anyone, as the final sufferer would be the thinker. Most of the times, the questions that arise out of such things never arrive at an answer but complicate things..
I am happy that I am out of it. I have started saying many things to myself . what are they?
1.Whatever has to happen will happen. But the impact that it can have is purely under my control. How bad or good I try to react for it, nothing will change but me. Time can work miracles in life, but the way we accept it will be the master of the story.
2. No one except me can control the decisions that I take in life. The decision would completely be based on the PRIORITIES that I have.
3. TRUST - yeah. I can trust anyone or anything. But its not in my hands if it can continue forever. I can have trust but shouldnt affect me if it fails.
4. There is no point in raising questions for everything. Most of the times, an answer triggers another question and reaches a deadlock, pulling me into it. Be careful on what can be questioned , what needs to be altered, what should be accepted.
5. We are not alone any time. But we need to learn to be alone, as we never realize the fact that we are not alone.
6. Try to make fun out of everything that can affect our heart and mind. It will not affect ultimately. :)
7. Action is better than thinking.
8. And all of the above can change anytime. After all, all my thoughts reflect the situation I am in. I can alter it myself completely to make me feel good anywhere anytime.
I am done with my scribblings. :)
And finally, I found a title for my post :) So publishing it... :)